The fastest way to get answers from all data for all users.

AWS offers the broadest selection of analytics services to fit every data analytics need, enabling organizations of all sizes and industries to reinvent their business with data. From data movement, data warehousing, data lakes, big data analytics, log analytics, streaming analytics, business intelligence and machine learning (ML) and everything in between, AWS offers purpose-built services that they provide the best price-performance ratio, the best scalability, and the lowest cost.

Scalable data lakes

AWS-powered data lakes, backed by the unmatched availability of Amazon S3, can handle the scale, agility, and flexibility required to combine different data and analytics approaches. Build and store data lakes on AWS to gain deeper insights than traditional data warehouses and silos allow.

Special design for performance and cost

AWS Analytics Services are purpose-built to help you quickly extract insights from your data using the right tool for the job, and are optimized to give you the best performance, scale, and cost based on your needs.

Serverless and easy to use

AWS has many serverless options for data analytics in the cloud, including options for data warehousing, big data analytics, real-time data, data integration, and more. We manage the underlying infrastructure so you can focus solely on the application.

Unified data access, security and governance

AWS allows you to centrally define and manage security, governance, and auditing policies to meet regulations specific to your industry and geography. With AWS, you can access your data from anywhere, and we’ll keep it safe no matter where you keep it.

Machine learning (ML) integration

AWS offers built-in ML integration as part of its purpose-built analytics services. You can build, train, and deploy ML models with familiar SQL commands—no prior machine learning experience required.
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