Data Intelligence + Human Brilliance. The only platform that adds people to the equation. Can your Catalog of Data do this?

Alation customers benefit from faster onboarding, query reuse and automated curation.

Data Governance for growth

Alation’s active data governance puts people first, so people have access to the data they need, with on-screen assistance on how to use it.

The self-service utopia for Analytics

Onboard analysts quickly. Share queries to collaborate across teams. Welcome more people to data and enable fast, data-driven decisions at scale.

Migrate what matters

Facing a migration? Seize the opportunity to take your business to new heights. A catalog-backed cloud data migration keeps your best data secure and accessible to key users.

Search and discovery

Enjoy a single reference system for all the data and users in your organization. Understand data quality, context, and usage patterns briefly.
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